Hiking is the meaning of walk for the long distance across the mountains through bushes, dense forests with more adventures. This hiking is like a tour for the people who are living outside of the mountain area. Weather conditions, Length of trek, Duration,Approximate altitude are the most important thing you have to know before the hiking of the specific place. You can do the camping in secured place, bathing, cooking through hiking and trekking. Travel Planning Organizations and University students also arranging some hiking and trekking with adventure people. I want to give some brief description about hiking tourist places.
01. Knuckles Mountain Range
The Knuckles Mountain Range is the second highest mountain in Sri Lanka and its shape looks like our hand’s fist. It’s spreading over 234 sq km, 5 mountain peaks and It’s spread in Kandy and Matale district. You have to spend one day for the hiking and have to stay there as camping. You can contact the Travel Planners. You can enjoy the big biodiversity forest, bird watching, waterfall hunting and etc when you are in the hike. Go for a hike to Knuckles and enjoy!!!

02. Adara Hantha Mountain Range
Adara Hantha Mountain range is with 7 peaks and situated in Belihuloya. I want to share my experience about Adara Hantha Hiking last year. We started our trek with our batchmates from pambahinna junction at 6.00 a.m. We had our breakfast at the 1st peak which is called Geo point and also we filled our water bottles from the waterfall. Again we started to trek again. Finally, We reached the top and took some photographs and had lunch then We climb down to pambahinna junction at 6.00 pm. Climbing the top and climbing down take about 10 hours. There are more scenic views such as Samanala damp, Sabaragamuwa University and etc. If you wish you can stay in Geo Point for a night and can return next day. Follow my idea, Really you will feel easy when you are hiking. My wishes for you to feel the adventure.

03. Hanthana Mountain Range
Hanthana mountain is spread with various mountains. This is the famous hiking mountain in Srilanka which is situated in Kandy. It has two ways of trekking from “University of Peradeniya” side and hanthana forth milepost. Mostly University students hike this mountain as their batch trips. You can easily hike the first two peaks after that you have to pass through the “Gal Poththa” rock. You can see the “Mahavali” river when you are treking. Then you have to climb the rock with more strength. Finally you will reach top of the hill. You may have to spend 10 hours for climbing and disembarking. Get another adventure by hiking Hanthana Mountain.

04. Mini Adam’s Peak
Mini Adam’s Peak’s shape looks like Sripada that’s why we call this as Mini Adam’s Peak. This height is about 1141m. This is very easy hiking place and also you will see the wonderful landscape in the top. The beginning of the way goes through beautiful green tea plantations. We have to spent normally 2 to 3 hours here for hiking. If you are the new one to hiking then Why don’t you try to hike Mini Adam’s Peak?

If you want to get great adventures and also want to see gorgeous landscape then hike these mountains with your friends or through travel planners. If you already hiked any mountain, then drop me a comment about your experience.