Tips to achieve your goals
We are spending different periods of time in life. We have gone through such interesting memories, and still More memories yet to come. But the golden era of one’s life could be from the age of 19-25. This is the period of time which decides our future. Here it is a clarification of our mistakes and faults and how we can come out from those to take ourselves towards the victory.
We don’t have any respect for ourselves, what is my strength and weaknesses or what is my capability. What could I do to my society? As youngsters how responsible people are we to take our society one step ahead. We have to answer these questions and try to be a responsible person. As the citizens of the country, we have to contribute in social activities, politics through the power of our education. Most of us don’t have any special feelings about us. We hesitated to go forward and fight for the truth. We don’t have any focus. It’s true we all have ambition. Actually, Ambition is an interesting thing. It is a kind of love. Somebody says it is good to have an ambition and we also can find people saying life without ambition is more interesting. But the fact is that we don’t have any focus towards our ambition. If you are not focused you will get diluted.

So we should have a focus, ideology, and principle to identify ourselves. If we focus on our goal then we will be busy on reaching our target. We don’t have any strategies to reach our ambition; we don’t have a process material to reach the destination. The process is more important than the destination. If we put some proper strategies then it will be an easy task to reach our ambition. Success itself is a by-product. Hard work is more important than looking for success. If there is a great dedication then only we could be successful.
There are a lot of talented people still waiting for the opportunity to show their skills and prove themselves. Only a few number of people had the opportunity. Universities offer some opportunities to show our character. Still, people are worried about the chances that they have missed in life.
We complicate our life for several reasons. We have to be positive. We have to have the feel as I’m the leader here to lead the society, to guide the society. Don’t be negative as I’m one among all live my life freely. If each and every one of us realized our responsibilities then we will get the confidence, fearless mind and braveness to sign.
If you are a success, that is an incident. If you are a failure, that is also an incident. Just believe in giving more than 100%. Don’t worry about the result. If there is a great commitment then that is the victory for you. We have to be the best in the society. We cannot content being a successful person.AS the power of the competitive community we have to dream big and try to find ways to become the best. Being the best is so happy. That is kind of a great feeling. Something we can’t feel unless we experienced that. If you want to be content you need to be the best. If you content with what you are having, that is your success. We must take part in education, career, social concern, and social justice.

We live our life happily; try to accept all kind of emotions. Our education power gives us the strength to do whatever you wanted to do to our society. We don’t hesitate to execute that for any reason. Our guts, our feelings, our determination towards our aim give us some more energy to perform well towards our target. Nobody is independent. We all depend on somebody else. We learn from others. So we have to respect them and get some positives from them. We have to associate with the society which gives us chance to live and perform.
Generally, an average person spends more than 5 hours on the internet. Just try to use our time based on a proper schedule. Don’t allow others to take our time. We have to steal our time from this world. This is the time we need to decide which our priority. We are grown, adult. We have to fix our purpose of education. We are not just a student; we have to be an inspiration to somebody. We are always focusing on our damaging side. That is a negative thought.We must believe in ourselves.
Think about our parents how selfless they are. They sacrifice a lot for us. They sacrifice their happiness for us. They sacrifice their desires for us, just because to see their children in a good position in future.So we must work hard to see the happiness on their faces.We must believe that we are not like others; we are a species from others. We have some special skills to make big changes.
We have to be the greatest inspiration for our next generation. If we want to make a change, just make it. if we make a change, our next generation will also try to make another change. We need to think I’m the representative .we are here to feed the whole society. Our attitude, our performances our hard work will make ways for our next generation to work more and make big changes. we need to prove the world that we are the supreme power to make changes.
Thank you.