Tiesh (Pvt) Ltd

Tiesh (Pvt) Ltd

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Over the period of past two decades Tiesh has provided brand new definitions to style by introducing exquisite Jewellery and Gemstones to the Sri Lankan Gem & Jewellery sector. This act as a family owned company of Lasantha, Bryony, Thiyasha and Ayesh De Fonseka, and it has handled an unshakable passion for making sure top quality and specialist workmanship.


Tiesh has offered a variety and different range of finely crafted jewellery and exceptional gemstones on equivalent with international standards and warranties. From each and everyday designs to the elegant and the glamorous, the patrons are provided with exceptional gemstones and also jewellery creations that are specifically modern & contemporary. The luxurious jewellery collections which are available included with those of white Diamonds and Coloured Diamonds, best sapphires of all hues of Sri Lanka, and a range of precious and semi-precious stones which are meticulously handcrafted by in-house and which are also artfully set in precious metals.

Tiesh by Lakmini (Pvt) Ltd which was situated in the place of Kandy which is also the Parent company of Diamnds @ tiesh (Pvt) Ltd has been a sanctuary for precious stones and exquisitely hand crafted jewellery of the finest quality over the years in the Tourism trade. Among the Sri Lankan precious stones infamous the universe over are Blue Sapphires, Star Sapphires, Rubies, Star Rubies , White Sapphires , Yellow Sapphires, Cats Eye , Etc .

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Tiesh Categories

  • Rings
  • Earrings
  • Bangles
  • Necklaces
  • Pendants
  • Bracelets

Tiesh Features

  • Showroom
  • Design Workshops
  • Unique Design
  • Modern Jewellery
  • Latest Trends
  • Affordable Prices
  • Customer Oriented
  • Customer Caring
  • Trustworthy
  • Innovative
  • Responsive Teamwork
  • Results Driven


Do they have 18kt White gold with V.V.S white Diamonds?

Tiesh holding thousands of collections which also included with Necklaces & Pendants. This is a classic diamond necklace Set on 18kt White gold with V.V.S white Diamonds. Will absolutely make everyday your special day is available at Tiesh.

How the Rose Gold Ring Diamonds looks like?

The Exclusive precious rose gold ring is made with a White Agate In center and which is surrounded with brilliant cut Diamonds.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnMoqxw-BNM[/embedyt]


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