ICLP Arbitration Centre

ICLP Arbitration Centre Claimed

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The preference for arbitration, over the regime of the courts, in domestic and international disputes, is natural. The arbitration awards are final and binding on the parties and can be challenged only in exceptional circumstances. The parties are free to choose their own arbitrator, rules, and procedure. Confidentiality is ensured and disputes are expeditiously resolved.


Selecting the ICLP Arbitration Centre for solving the conflict, people are selecting the premier arbitration center in Sri Lanka as the independent and neutral third country venue in Asia region, to solve every commercial dispute, in correspondence with the approved and promoted Rules of ICLP Arbitration Centre. Arbitration awards made in Sri Lanka are accomplished in many trading nations in the world-wide but Sri Lanka is a signatory to the New York Convention on the International Enforcement of Arbitration Awards.

Arbitration is a separate means of solving the conflicts whereby the people are approved to be bound by the selected of an arbitrator of their selection whose agreement is final and whose award has the lawful force of a High Court judgment or order. However, for almost any commercial problem which can be solved by litigation in court, can be resolved by arbitration, and there is a drastic growth in the usage of arbitration commonly.

ICLP Diploma Courses Available

  • Commercial Arbitration
  • Shipping Law & Practice
  • Cert Shipping Law & Practice

ICLP Facilities Available

  • AC Rooms
  • Multimedia
  • Recording
  • Transcribing
  • PA System
  • Catering
  • Parking
  • Seminars
  • Board Meetings

ICLP Diploma Course Fee

  • Commercial Arbitration

    Rs. 100,000.00

    Commercial Arbitration course offers a correct opportunity for trained and experienced professionals to develop their skill, looking for recognition for their knowledge and progress fastly to Commercial Arbitration Fellowship.

  • Shipping Law & Practice

    Rs. 75,000.00

    This course is largely the domain of worldwide law firms or niche practices established in London and at some regional law firms which are based in seafaring cities such as Liverpool, Bristol, Newcastle, and Ipswich.


Who are the people involved with Diploma in Commercial Arbitration course?

This particular course involved with the people like Professionals from the fields of Legal, Banking and Architecture, Students, Academics, and Construction Industry Personnel.

What are the modules/course contents are provided under the Certificate in Shipping Law and Practice?

The course involved with various modules such as, Maritime Law, Carriage of Goods by the Sea, Admiralty Law, International Trade, Port Operations, Marine Insurance, Custom Formalities, Guided Port Tour, and Additional Assignments and Dissertation.



Today Closed UTC+5.5

08:00 - 13:30
  • Monday
    09:00 - 17:00
  • Tuesday
    09:00 - 17:00
  • Wednesday
    09:00 - 17:00
  • Thursday
    09:00 - 17:00
  • Friday
    08:00 - 13:30
  • Saturday
    08:00 - 13:30
  • Sunday
    09:00 - 17:00

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