Forever City Hotel

Forever City Hotel Claimed

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Forever City Hotel hotel is located in Kiribathgoda. It has a nice view attractive outside and many facilities provide guest to have nice welcome them arrive. The hotel provides friendly and really helpful service to guests they always try to have a beast hotel experience to give to guests. Nice garden to play for children’s and outdoor swimming pool that guest can enjoy their vacation with Forever City Hotel


Forever City Hotel hotel is located in Kiribathgoda. It has a nice view attractive outside and many facilities provide guest to have nice welcome them arrive. The hotel provides friendly and really helpful service to guests they always try to have beast hotel experience to give to guests. Nice garden to play for children’s and outdoor swimming pool that guest can enjoy their vacation with Forever City Hotel

Also within 12km guests can visit Colombo and 27km to Negombo and in 18 km from the hotel Ratmalana International Airport is located and guests can enjoy an à la carte or an American breakfast. Visit Forever City Hotel and have the best experience you have. Spend your time with family and friends Forever City Hotel is the best option.



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