
Bundlhub Claimed

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Bundlhub is a platform, where people can connect with people who wish to give item they no longer need or want to someone else. It can be any item that. A three-way solution to rid of our unneeded items (bid, swap free). Remember every item you upload on bundlhub gives you bundlpoints. You receive bundlpoints for each successful transaction. You can either bid or exchange items with others.

The motivation behind bundlhub is “To proactively influence the way people share. Together, we want to build a better community through a shared economy. Shared Value, Gained Value. Therefore, we Bundlhub!”.  All you have to do is download the bundlhub app from play store or app store and log in using your mail id or simply by facebook account or google account. Then capture the image of the item no longer need for you, and select whether you going to sell it in an auction, exchange or you are going to give it to someone for free.

Another feature in bundlhub is, it lets people create groups among themselves. They can share items inside the group members. Using it can change gift sharings into a new trend, Especially the secret Santa gifts.

Think it is always better to give an item you no longer need or want to someone else. Especially someone who cannot afford such item this festive season. Now let us gear up our smartphones with bundlhub


  • Electronics
  • Fashion
  • Sporting & Camping Items
  • Apartment & Kitchen
  • Toys & Hobbies
  • Art & Pottery
  • Antiques & Collectibles
  • Auto
  • Pet Products

Modes of Sharing

  • Bid or Auction
  • Exchanging
  • Giving for free


How to search for an item?

Go to the search and type in the item you wish to search for

What can you offer for Bundlhub?

They allow you to upload any item which is legal that has no expiration date

What version of iOS and Android does bundlhub work on?

We suggest you have the latest version of both. Or you can visit www.bundlhub.com.


Today Open now UTC+5.5

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