Certis Lanka Courier Service

Certis Lanka Courier Service

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Certis Courier Services provides courier service for the pick-up and delivery of your time sensitive packages. They get your shipments to their destination safely. We have always been revolutionizing, shaping, and simplifying the world of Delivery. From inventing the international air express industry to becoming the world’s leading logistics company; We’re thinkers, makers and pioneers that constantly challenge what’s possible.


Certis Lanka Courier Service‘s team of service representatives, dispatchers and couriers are skilled and professional with the know-how to meet your deadlines with dependable delivery service. With 32 courier collection hubs located around the island, they guarantee a safe and efficient service. Their service excellence is driven by; Speed, Flexibility, Reliability and Dependability.

Whether you are a corporate leader, exporter, importer, individual, or anyone that needs international courier services, you can get benefit from their expert shipping solutions. When you choose Certis Lanka as your international/domestic courier service provider – you will be guaranteed value for your money.

Feasible Services at Certis Lanka Courier

  • Domestic & International Courier
  • Corporate Mail Room Management
  • Mail Bags Services
  • Speedy Messenger
  • Urgent Delivery
  • Confidential Document Delivery
  • Parcel Deliveries
  • 24 Hour Call Center
  • Courier on Call

Features of Certis Lanka Courier

  • Courier on Call
  • Fastest Service
  • Perfect Execution of Service
  • Competitive Costs
  • Online Tracking
  • Assured Service
  • Door to Door Service
  • Global Reach
  • Masters in Field
  • Acknowledged Specialists
  • Exceptional Customer Care
  • Vast Experience

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Today Open now UTC+5.5

07:00 - 00:00
  • Monday
    07:00 - 00:00
  • Tuesday
    07:00 - 00:00
  • Wednesday
    07:00 - 00:00
  • Thursday
    07:00 - 00:00
  • Friday
    08:00 - 00:00
  • Saturday
    07:00 - 00:00
  • Sunday
    07:00 - 00:00



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