SDTI Campus

SDTI Campus Claimed

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SDTI (Skill Development and Training International Institute) Campus is a well authorized and glorious academic institute for vocational and professional qualifications and registered as PV 80226 under the company act of 2007 No. VII a front line professional and vocational Training institution, the followings are provided to the nation with view to respond to the changing needs of the time such as English Teacher Training, Pre-School Teacher Training, HR Management training course, Information Technology, Nursing Assistant Training, MLT (Medical Laboratory Training), Banking Course and English Courses.


As mentioned above, they have been providing an amazing service to the country and substantially contributing to the ongoing development processes, since they are directly making skilled younger generation to the country as a timely need of the national economy. In dragging the youth to the right track and in training them well are released to the skilled youth market and for the further regular participation to the development process the institution was provided Prime Minister Award in 2011 and in celebrating The International Religion Day, in line with the independence day of Democratic Republic of Sri Lanka.

They people were awarded Gold Medal in 2013. In addition, The Golden Europe Asian Award 2012, National Excellency Award 2013, National Gold Award 2013, Business Award 2013 were served to the SDTI campus in appreciating the service rendered to the nation. It is very delightful to remind the International recognition of their professional body and the successful move towards the international screen. The required solid foundation for the needs of the internationalism has already been laid in providing a Higher Graded English Education to all studying under their roof.

SDTI Campus Available Courses

  • Diploma in HRM
  • Diploma in Banking
  • Pre School Teache Training
  • Nursing Assitant
  • Diploma in Web Designing
  • Diploma in Hardware & Networking
  • Diploma in AutoCAD
  • Diploma in Microsoft Office
  • Medical Lboratory Training
  • Diploma in Graphic Designing
  • English Teacher Training
  • Information Technology

SDTI Campus Facilities

  • Career Paths
  • Expert Lecture Pannel
  • Secure Environment
  • Library
  • Computer Lab
  • A/C Lecture Rooms

SDTI Campus Course Fee

  • Diploma in HRM

    Rs. 25,000.00

    The Diploma in HRM strives to build capacity of the HR professionals enabling them to strategically align people to work towards overall goals of an organization.

  • Diploma in AutoCAD

    Rs. 25,000.00

    This program aims to cover several important areas of Civil Engineering and Architectural drawing & designing, 3D Modeling, Survey and Structural drawings.


How doing diploma in banking is useful?

Diploma in Banking enable each and everyone to build and improve skills in particular Banking & Financial domains and avail of the job opportunities emerging in these field.

How much duration will take for Teacher Training course?

SDTI Campus offering various courses including Teacher Training one. The course providing as the Pre School Teacher Training Program. It will take around six months duration to complete this course.



Today Closed UTC+5.5

08:30 - 17:00
  • Monday
    08:30 - 17:00
  • Tuesday
    08:30 - 17:00
  • Wednesday
    08:30 - 17:00
  • Thursday
    08:30 - 17:00
  • Friday
    08:30 - 17:00
  • Saturday
    08:30 - 17:00
  • Sunday
    08:30 - 17:00

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