Colt Trading Company Pvt Ltd

Colt Trading Company Pvt Ltd Claimed

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Colt Trading established its first office in Rajagiriya an immediate suburb of Colombo.  With the wealth of experience gained in the automobile industry, the company commenced the import and distribution of automotive spares for Japanese vehicles in 1980. Due to the heavy demand for spare parts at the time for Japanese vehicles, the company managed to enter the market comfortably.

The company having realised the need for diversification to grow to greater heights, ventured into Office equipment after securing the sole rights for the import and marketing of Fuji Laminating equipment and films from Japan. This was an excellent marketing decision that pioneered the concept of laminating among the general public in Sri Lanka with the use of mass media advertising.  Fuji Laminating machines and films thus brought a new dimension for the future of Colt.

Colt provides 24 hour Sales and Service, perhaps the only company in the respective fields in Sri Lanka. The technical services are provided without interruption 24 hours a day and throughout the year for our valued customers. They are sure our customers will vouch for our integrity and efficiency.


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